Genre: Fantasy
Awards: Caldecott Award
Grade Level: Preschool - 1st grade
Max is a little boy who has a wild heart. He wants to follow his own rules, so when his mom sends him upstairs without dinner for being disrespectful; Max sets sail to where the wild things are. There the wild things grant Max to be king of the wild things. Together they start a wild rumpus, but Max's stomach begins to growl and missed his mom. Max sails back home to where he knows he is loved and safe.
I would use this book in my classroom because it is age- appropriate. I would use this book as a read aloud and have it in the reading center. This book encourages imagination in a child. As a teacher, I would use this book as a read aloud, and then have the students reenact the repetitive parts such as; the rumpus, roar terrible roars, and gnash terrible teeth.
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